ISSN : 1229-0696
With growing interests in multilevel research on organizational citizenship behavior(OCB), this study developed a multilevel model associated with personality and OCB. The purpose of this study was two-folded. First, it investigated the multilevel homology in relationship between personality and OCB. Second, the study examined a cross-level model in which team-level OCB norm fully mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB measured by peers. Using a sample of 185 employees in 47 teams and two multilevel data analysis methods(HLM & WABA), the study found that team agreeableness was related to team's helping others norm and team conscientiousness was related to team's job dedication norm emerged through referent-shift composition model. Further, it was found that team-level OCB norm mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB. The implications of this study and the directions for future research were discussed along with limitations of the study.
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산업 및 조직,
Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
The Effect of Team Personality and Team OCB Norm on Team member's OCB,
With growing interests in multilevel research on organizational citizenship behavior this study developed a multilevel model associated with personality and OCB The purpose of this study was two-folded it investigated the multilevel homology in relationship between personality and OCB the study examined a cross-level model in which team-level OCB norm fully mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB measured by peers Using a sample of 185 employees in 47 teams and two multilevel data analysis methods the study found that te,
With growing interests in multilevel research on organizational citizenship behavior this study developed a multilevel model associated with personality and OCB The purpose of this study was two-folded it investigated the multilevel homology in relationship between personality and OCB the study examined a cross-level model in which team-level OCB norm fully mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB measured by peers Using a sample of 185 employees in 47 teams and two multilevel data analysis methods the study found that te,