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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The main purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of transformational leadership between leader's Emotional Intelligence(EI) and subordinate's attitude and performance. Data were collected from 300 pairs of leaders and subordinates by survey questionnaires. Results revealed that leader's EI rated by both self and her/his subordinate positively related transformational leadership. Also, the transformational leadership was positively related to subordinate's supervisory satisfaction, job satisfaction, and task performance. The transformational leadership mediated the relationship between the leader's EI and subordinate's supervisory satisfaction, and subordinate's EI moderated the relationship between transformational leadership and subordinate's supervisory satisfaction. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
초기 훈련의 난이도가 전략적 비행기 변별 기술의 습득과 전이에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위해서 두 가지 실험연구를 수행하였다. 참석자들은 유사한(어려운 훈련) 혹은 유사하지 않은(쉬운 훈련) 비행기 자극들을 변별하도록 훈련받았고, 이러한 훈련을 통해 습득한 기술은 새로운 모양의 비행기 자극들을 구별하는데 전이됨을 보았다. 실험 1에서는 참가자들이 계속 동일한 난이도(쉽거나 어려운)의 비행기 자극들을 변별하는 훈련을 하고, 전이를 보기 위해서 다른 세트의 비행기 자극들을 변별하도록 하였다. 실험 2에서는 참가자들이 쉽거나 어려운 비행기 자극들의 변별을 훈련받은 것이 새로운 비행기 자극들에 대한 어려운 변별 과제를 수행하는데 전이되도록 하였다. 실험결과, 초기 훈련의 난이도는 전략적 기술 습득에 영향을 주고 전략적 기술들이 새로운 비행기 자극의 전이에 적용되었다는 것을 발견하였다. 이 연구는 공군 조종사들의 효과적인 훈련을 위한 응용점을 시사한다.
This study was intended to examine predictors of job-search intensity on middle aged unemployed individuals. Among people who unemployed for less than 2 months, 1539 unemployed individuals were surveyed. Results showed that the higher employment commitment, job-search self-efficacy, financial hardship, carrier planning, social capital, and agreeableness, the higher the job-search intensity. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
This study examined the construct and criterion validities of organizational justice, and their generalizability of their relationships across research samples(private company, public sectors, service, R&D) by meta-analytic review of Korean research. To investigate criterion validities, 9 variables(e.g. satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust, organizational citizenship behavior), frequently used in this field, were included in this study. The authors conducted meta-analysis of 54 studies which were reported in 52 articles, and used random effect model in which variances of individual studies were considered. The results suggest that distributive, procedural and interpersonal justices are highly related. The results also show that three organizational justice dimensions have moderate to high influences on most of criterion variables. However, distributive justice does not explain unique variances of organizational and supervisory trust, and interpersonal justice does not so on outcome satisfaction. Furthermore research samples do not successfully moderate the relationships between justice and other variables. These findings are reviewed in terms of construct validity, judgment process, and effect process of organizational justice, and potential mediators and moderators are discussed for future research.
Drawing on mentoring theory and social network theory, this study investigates the effectiveness of mentoring networks. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mentoring network characteristics and the career-related as well as psychosocial functions received from mentoring networks. Additionally, we argue that the embeddedness perspective and the diversity perspective on the effects of social capital do not conflict with one another and that integrated networks combining embedded and diverse ties tend to be more beneficial to mentoring functions. We tested, in a sample of 127 military officers, hypotheses regarding the effects of mentoring network characteristics (tie strength, network size, and network range) on mentoring functions. Tie strength and range significantly and positively related to two mentoring functions. Results supported the perspective that individuals can benefit from simultaneously having strong ties and broad range in their mentoring networks. However, our expectations concerning the relationship between size and mentoring functions were not supported.
With growing interests in multilevel research on organizational citizenship behavior(OCB), this study developed a multilevel model associated with personality and OCB. The purpose of this study was two-folded. First, it investigated the multilevel homology in relationship between personality and OCB. Second, the study examined a cross-level model in which team-level OCB norm fully mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB measured by peers. Using a sample of 185 employees in 47 teams and two multilevel data analysis methods(HLM & WABA), the study found that team agreeableness was related to team's helping others norm and team conscientiousness was related to team's job dedication norm emerged through referent-shift composition model. Further, it was found that team-level OCB norm mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB. The implications of this study and the directions for future research were discussed along with limitations of the study.