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The reliability and validity of tele-marketer selecting competency tests in different formats: A comparison between Ipsative and Normative Measures


The purpose of this study was to make three types of competency tests - Normative, Random Ipsative, and Fixed Ipsative - to prevent response distortion in self-rating scales and then compare their reliability and validity. Participants were 272 female tele-marketers working at L company in Korea. As a result of correlation analysis for three types of test formats with a faking scale, coefficient of correlation between normative format and the faking scale was positively significant in every subscale, while those between two types of ipsative formats and the faking scale were lower than .10 except just some subscales. The degree of reliability in both ipsative formats was a little lower than that in normative format, but both ipsative formats had acceptable reliability except one subscale. The degree of validity for ipsative formats(r = .23, r = .31) was higher than that of normative format(r = .18). From these results in which the subscales in ipsative formats had no faking effects and reasonable reliability and validity, competency tests in ipsative format seem to be applied more broadly in the human resource management field.

tele-marketer, normative measure, ipsative measure, faking good, competency, 텔레마케터, 규준적 측정, 선택형 측정, 긍정응답왜곡, 역량



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