open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of rating format(Likert, Behavioral description rating format) and scale type(balanced scale, positively unbalanced scale) on leniency error and halo effect in 360° feedback. The competency scale developed to appraise the job performance of employees in a large Korean company was administered to a sample of 440 raters who are composed of oneself, supervisor, subordinate, and peer. The raters of four groups rated the level of 133 ratees on thirty core competencies of the company through the 5-point scale. The results of 22 ANOVA and degree of skewness analysis indicated that positively unbalanced scale showed less leniency than the conventional measure of balanced scale, while there was no effect of rating format. Furthermore, the results of analyses of both standard deviation and correlation demonstrated that Behavioral description rating was more effective in reducing halo effect than Likert scale format. However, no scale effect was found since the two analyses of standard deviation and correlation produced inconsistent results. Finally, the limitations and future direction of the present study were discussed.
We researched the effects of amount of information given by road sign and distracted driving behaviors on driver's road sign search task. We focused on amount of legend in road sign, defined amount of information as numbers of legend in road sign. 91 drivers took part in this study, all subjects were asked to memorize a driving route and find right direction as soon as they could in 17 intersections. 45 drivers of them were asked to do a secondary task, as distracted driving behavior while they are selecting direction. The secondary task was reverse-digit counting. We analyzed drivers' reaction time and errors. The result showed that as amount of legend increases, the subjects' reaction time and error also increases. And reaction time of the subjects who were asked to count revered-digit was delayed than who were not. Subjects with distraction showed more delayed reaction time and showed more error than subjects without distraction did. And we could see that older subject showed delayed reaction time. Finally, we discussed the interaction effects of distracted driving behavior and age on drivers' reaction time and errors when they decision making about their route.
The first purpose of this study was to examine a mediating effect of career commitment on the relationship between sex discrimination and turnover intention. For this study, data were collected from women employees through on-line as well as off-line surveys. Among 281 collected data, a total of 239 women employees were analyzed. The results of this study showed that sex discrimination in the organization was significantly correlated with career commitment, and career commitment was significantly correlated with turnover intention. Also, career commitment played a partial mediating role on the relationship between sex discrimination and turnover intention. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
Using survey data obtained from 159 married female government employees, this study aimed to investigate the differences in masculinity and feminity between the work and family domain and how these differences affect behavioral transfer between work-family and work-family balance. The results indicated that participants displayed higher masculinity in the family domain than in the work domain, and higher femininity in the work domain than in the family domain. However, the differences in the sex role behavior between work and family domain did not affect behavioral transfer from work to family. Lastly, we found that female workers achieved higher level of work-family balance when they reported higher level of femininity in the family domain compared to femininity in the work domain.
The first purpose of this study was to examine the effects of goal orientation, subordinate's politics perception on his or her supervisor, and the quality of LMX on monitoring and inquiry for feedback seeking. The second purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of monitoring and inquiry on role clarity and job tension. Data were gathered from 310 white collar employees who were working in various organizations. It was found that two feedback seeking methods such as monitoring and inquiry were distinct constructs each other. First, the results of data analysis indicated that there was significantly positive relationship between learning goal orientation and inquiry, and that there was significantly positive relationship between proving goal orientation and monitoring. Second, subordinate's politics perception on one's immediate supervisor positively influenced monitoring and, although not significant, subordinate's politics perception was negatively associated with inquiry. Third, the relationship between the quality of LMX and inquiry was significantly positive. Further, monitoring for feedback seeking positively influenced job tension. Based on these results, both the academic and practical implications of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.
This three country study focuses on the value of employee voice in workplace decision making. Consistent with previous research, we show the voice value function fits the S-shaped curve associated with prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). Specifically, findings demonstrate that the value of voice of evaluated related to a neutral referent point. Initial increments away from this reference point have a strong impact on fairness perception, while later increments produce more marginal effects. In addition, the value function for losses is steeper than the value function for gains. These findings and methodological implications related to our internet-based data collection and use of international samples, as well as theoretical implications for fairness researchers are discussed.
The purpose of the present study was to cluster similar jobs on the basis of various occupational characteristics, assuming mobility to a job with high similarity as a core-factor of successful job mobility. Also, this study was performed to analyze the impact of job mobility on labor market outcome(i.e., wage). Specifically, a K-means cluster analysis was conducted on the scores of each job in terms of ability, knowledge, personality and interest required for the job with Korea Network for Occupations and Workers(KNOW) DB. Based on the job cluster findings, it was defined operationally as ‘similar job mobility’ when previous jobs and current jobs are included in the same job cluster. On the contrary, it was described as ‘dissimilar job mobility,’ when previous jobs and current jobs are classified into different job clusters. Then, the effects of similar and dissimilar job mobility on job mobility behaviors as well as labor market outcomes were analyzed through Occupational Employment Statistics(OES). The results showed that men tend to move to jobs with similar job ability, whereas women tend to move to jobs with similar interests. Some differences were also shown depending on age, major and employment status. Additionally, in terms of labor market outcomes, mobility to similar jobs had a positive effect on current pay compared to mobility to dissimilar jobs. On the basis of these findings, this study highlights the significance of further research and information production in order to support currently active job mobility.
We investigated the difference between truck drivers and other drivers at the aspects of fatigue and the workload influencing on drivers' fatigue. In the result of analyzing about the six sub-factors of NASA -TLX, influencing on the drivers' fatigue, physical demand had significant impacts on two driver group's subjective fatigue. However, mental demand and temporal demand showed significant effect on only truck drivers' subjective fatigue. The physical demand influencing on the drivers' subjective fatigue may be expressed that drivers' muscles stiffness caused by posture restriction in the car. The effect of mental demand and temporal demand on the truck drivers' subjective fatigue had relation to the environment of logistics transportation in Korea. That is, truck drivers are not usually employed by companies but work as individual. For this reason, time equals to money for truck drivers and this affects on mental demand and temporal demand, related with scheduling. We are expecting that this finding would aid to produce a effective measure in order to decrease the truck drivers accidents and the risk on account of fatigue.