open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
Previous studies have suggested that the research on relational leadership need to be extended from dyadic relationship to multiple or network level relationship. This article examined how different relational leadership types(LMX, ILMX) and network characteristic(network centrality) are related to individual performance. From the results of analyzing data from 12 organizations in Korea, we found that leader-member exchange(LMX), informal leader-member exchange(ILMX), and network centrality independently predicted members' increased contextual performance. However, only ILMX was positively associated with members' task performance. Results further showed that high quality ILMX positively moderated the relationship between members' network centrality and task performance. In addition, high quality LMX relationships negatively moderated the relationship between members' network centrality and contextual performance.
This longitudinal study investigated the change of mental health and career identity effect among unemployed university graduates applied with nonlinear multi-level model. The first purpose of this study was to investigate the change pattern of GHQ(General Health Questionnaire) and GHQ two subscales -GHQ depression, and GHQ disadjustment- with HLM analysis. The results showed that GHQ score (including two subscales) of unemployed significantly increased from T1, T2 and graduation time and it was the highest 1~2 month later after graduation. It meant that unemployed university graduates had the worst mental health after graduation. From this point, GHQ score began to decrease smoothly until 5 month after graduation. GHQ and GHQ depression significantly changed over the time, but GHQ disadjustment didn't. The second purpose of this study was to examine career identity effect(consisting of career indecision and perceive control) on GHQ change. The unemployed who had higher level of career indecision and lower level of perceived control had higher level of GHQ at the initial stage(T1). In addition, they had constantly maintained the higher level of GHQ over the time. On the other hand, the unemployed who had lower level of career indecision and higher level of perceived control held low-leveled GHQ. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed and future directions of study were suggested.
Organizational identification is the perception of oneness with or belongingness to a organization and is referred as defining himself or herself by their organization. Organizational identification has long been recognized as a critical construct affecting both the satisfaction of the individuals and the effectiveness of the organizations in psychological relationship between individuals and organizations. However, despite the importance of organizational identification in organizational contexts there are little research on the organizational identification and many works have often confused organizational identification with affect, attitudes, and behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct of organizational identification and consider LMX(leader-member exchange) and members' OBSE(organization-based self- esteem) as a antecedent and consequence of organizational identification. Specifically, at first, it was tested whether LMX was related to OBSE through organizational identification well as the direct relationship of between LMX and OBSE. Second, the moderating effect of employment status in relationship between organizational identification and OBSE was tested. This study tested research model using data collected from 179 employees who was in charge of secretarial works of domestic companies and foreign companies. At first, organizational identification was positively related to OBSE. Second, LMX had a positive effect on both organizational identification and OBSE. Third, the relationship of between LMX and OBSE was mediated by organizational identification. At last, employment status moderated relationship between organizational identification and OBSE. Temporary employees were more affected by the level of organizational identification than permanent employees. Finally, based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a series of factors on adaptive performance, reflecting today's change-driving organizational environment. As antecedents of adaptive performance, this research examined the job burnout that is produced by prolonged stress, the individuals' perception of psychological collectivism at work that is presumed to continue to weak in the way of organizational globalization, and two factors out of five-factor personality dimensions as individual difference variables. The study also tested interaction effects among these antecedents. The study conducted a survey research to 204 while-collar employees working in various organizations. Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses largely supported the hypothesized pattern; it found strong main effects of all of the three predictor variables as well as the interaction effect of burnout and collectivism on adaptive performance in a way that collectivism acted a buffering role in the negative effect of burnout. The study also revealed that this moderating effect of collectivism was stronger for individuals with lower emotional stability, showing the three-way interaction effect. Similar relational patterns were found when openness to experience was considered as personality factor, except the three-way interaction that was insignificant. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.
The previous researches have found that the collectivistic culture positively relate with flight attitude involved with accident and accident rates, but individualistic culture negative relate with them. On the other hand, the model in which the management strategy do mediating effect on the relation between culture and safety accidents have been proposed. Based on previous researches, this survey examined whether pilot's self-construal involved with culture influence to the pilot's hazardous flight attitude in Korea. In addition this survey tested hypothesis that self-inhibiting defense mediate in the relation between interdependent self-construal and hazardous flight attitude and that the moderating effect of self-esteem in the relation between self-inhibiting defense and hazardous flight attitude. The sample consisted of 142 ab initio pilots and occupational pilots. The questionnaire was composed of Hazardous Attitude Scale, Self- construal Scale, Defense Style Questionnaire and Self-esteem Scale. To determine the mediating effect and the moderating effect, Baron-Kenny's stepwise method and multiple regression were used. As a result, the effect of independent self-construal relevant to the individualistic culture on hazardous attitude was not significant. Only the effect of interdependent self-construal relevant to the collectivistic culture on hazardous attitude was significant. Self-inhibiting defense style had the full mediating effect on the relation between interdependent self-construal and hazardous flight attitude. In addition, the moderating effects of self-esteem are proved. Finally, the implications of these results are discussed.
Positive organizational scholarship(POS) emphasizes the need of positive lens in organizational research, insisting that traditional organizational research has skewed too much toward negative aspects of organizational phenomena and their solving. This review paper firstly outlined POS in terms of its three concepts(i.e., ‘positive’, ‘organizational’ and ‘scholarship’), reviewing their respectively related theoretical and empirical studies. Second, we looked into the arguments of critical theorists against POS. Finally, in order to help to effectively expand and appropriately apply POS in Korea, this paper discussed the current state of positive organizational studies in Korea, and provided several points to be considered both academically and practically.
The purposes of this study were to estimate the likelihood of voluntary turnover at different tenure points of early-career individuals in the Korean workforce and to take a closer look at the role of job satisfaction and person-job fit in voluntary turnover process of these individuals. Korean youth panel survey data were analyzed via event history analysis. The results indicated that the strength of the job satisfaction-turnover relationship decreases as the time interval between the measurement of job satisfaction and occurrence of turnover. However, the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover appears to be consistent regardless of organizational tenure. Individuals who perceived themselves as overeducated are more likely to leave their jobs compared to those whose job level fits their education. Perceived fit between subject of study and job was negatively related to turnover. The effects of person-job fit on turnover were completely mediated by job satisfaction. The results are discussed in terms of the role of time in the study of turnover.
We have conducted an laboratory experiment to understand the necessary time for drivers' visual adaptation at the tunnels. For this study, we used some lightning equipments to reproduce the tunnel and roads environment of sunny daylight time, because drivers need the longest necessary time for the visual adaptation under this lightning condition. We reproduced lightning conditions which are kin to ‘Black-hole Effects’ and ‘White-hole Effects’, then measured the subjects' reaction patterns to the visual stimulus. As the experimental task, the subject are told to press the spacebar as soon as possible when they saw single digit on the 17" CRT monitor and say which digit it was as correct as possible. The lightning conditions divided into two; ‘Brightness’ and ‘Darkness’. The luminance of brightness condition was 6443.33cd/㎡ and darkness condition had 5.26cd/㎡ which are simular to the environments of tunnels' inside and boundary. As the result, we could confirm the subjects' visual adaptation completion between 2 and 3 seconds after the lightning alternation in all conditions. We expected the effects of age on the difference of necessary time for visual adaptation, however, there was no significant difference among three age groups. We also could find the difference of reaction time among the age groups, and elderly subjects showed significantly longer reaction time than any others. This difference could be explained by effects of aging. This experiment's result would be a helpful clue to design tunnels and near roads for drivers' safety.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two types of rater training on rating accuracy in performance appraisal context. It also investigated whether accountability and rater mood interact with the effects. Specifically, the study examined the effects of frame-of-reference training (FOR) and rater variability training (RVT) in terms of elevation (EL), differential elevation (DE), stereotype accuracy (SA), and DA (differential accuracy), which are conceptualized by Cronbach (1955). The study also studied 2-way interactions, comparing the differences of accuracy according to the conditions whether accountability is required or not, and positive or negative mood is imposed. In addition, it tested a 3-way interaction effect among the three conditions. The study conducted an experiment with 2 x 2 x 2 design in which 146 undergraduate students were assigned for lecture evaluation. The results revealed that accuracy in DE was improved more in RVT than FOR, while the other types of accuracy were not significantly different. The effects of accountability and mood were not found significant, either. The interaction effect of accountability and rater mood was significant in EL in the way that the accountability-required group rated more accurately when it was in positive mood whereas the accountability-not-required group was more accurate in negative mood. The other interaction effects were not significant, neither was the 3-way interaction. Theoretical and practical implications including limitations were discussed in performance appraisal context.
In this study, emotional labor was classified into positive emotional labor and negative emotional labor. Especially we focused emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride as positive emotional labor. We analyzed eliciting situations, psychological effects and copying methods of emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride. Research participants were service employee 163, nurse 207 and university student 188. In all groups, emotional labor about happiness among 3 emotions was happened most frequently. Most frequent objects eliciting this emotional labor were boss to service employees, and patients to nurses, and friends to students. Situations that peoples have to do emotional labor were when they have to follow another person's mood, when they have to concern about doing work well, when they want to hide their bad images etc. When peoples have to do emotional labor, they frequently used coping methods like as Reinterpretation about situations and Active coping strategies. When people have to do emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride, they felt more emotions about happiness, sympathy, pride and they tried to express more that emotions according to the facial feedback hypothesis. But they had experienced more emotional exhaustion and more feeling of alienation according to emotional exhaustion hypothesis and decreased emotional support from surroundings.