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The Influence of Personal Characteristics on Social Network Size in Organization and the Impact of Social Network Size and Strength on Job Performance


The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of personal characteristics(emotional stability, extraversion, psychological collectivism, need for power, and need for achievement) on social network size in organization and the impact of social network size on a variety of job performance(task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance). Also, we examined moderating effect of social network strength in the relationship between social network size and job performance. Data were collected from 313 employees who had worked for more than six months in current workplace and 54 peers or supervisors who knew employees very well. Fifty-four peers or supervisors rated 313 employees' job performance. The results of correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that extraversion, psychological collectivism, and need for achievement had positive relationships, but need for power had negative relationship with social network size in organization. Also, social network size had positive relationships with task performance and adaptive performance. There was significant moderation effect of social network strength in the relationship between social network size and task performance. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.

사회적 네트워크 크기, 사회적 네트워크 강도, 외향성, 성취욕구, 권력욕구, 심리적 집합주의, 과업수행, 맥락수행, 적응수행, Social Network Size, Social Network Strength, Extraverion, Need for Achievement, Need for Power, Psychological Collectivism, Task Performance, Contextual Performance, Adaptive Performance



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