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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine whether work-family conflict(WFC) is distinguished into time-based WFC and strain-based WFC, and to investigate the effects of job-related variables on work-family conflict and the influences of work-family conflict on organizational commitment and job engagement. In addition, it was tested whether career planning moderates the relationship between WFC and job engagement. Data were collected from 318 married employees who are working in various organizations. The data from 159 employees were used in exploratory factor analysis and another data from 159 employees were used in confirmatory factor analysis to test discrimination between time-based WFC and strain-based WFC. The result showed that time-based WFC and strain-based WFC were discriminated from each other. And the data form total 318 employees were used to examine the relationships between job-related variables and WFC, and WFC and outcome variables(organizational commitment and job engagement). The results indicated that while quantitative job-related variables were more strongly related with time-based WFC than strain-based WFC, qualitative job-related variables were more strongly related with strain-based WFC than time-based WFC. Only strain-based WFC negatively influenced on organizational commitment and job engagement. And career planning moderated the relationship between two forms of WFC and job engagement. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
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