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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purposes of this study were to test for the direct effect of correctional officers' role conflict on emotional exhaustion and the indirect effect which is mediated by job satisfaction, and to compare the differences in results according to correctional officers' attitudes toward inmates through multigroup analysis. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse. Results indicates that role conflict is positively associated with emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction mediates the relationship between role conflict and emotional exhaustion. Also, after testing the difference of correctional officers' attitude towards inmates in model paths, no statistically significant difference between two groups was supported. These results provide several key implications for social work practice: (1) To succeed in the effective rehabilitative goal of correctional organizations, it is suggested to introduce counselling and treatment programs such as EAPs for correctional officers who experience severe emotional exhaustion. (2) To reduce role conflict, standardized manuals for corrections work and regular-basis training program for correctional officers are recommended. (3) Better work environments for preventing and managing COs stresses is needed. This study has a significance in testing the relationship between role conflict and emotional exhaustion, and the mediating effect of job satisfaction while not enough studies have been made in Korea in relation to correctional officers' job stress or burnout. In further research, more various factors related to job stress of correctional officers are expected to be tested.
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