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A Study on the Antecedents and Outcomes of Workaholism Disposition


The purpose of this study was to analyze antecedents and outcome variables of workaholism disposition. Data were collected from 256 workers. The results of this study showed that Type A, achievement motivation, emotional instability, self-esteem were significantly correlated with workaholism disposition. Especially Type A, achievement, and emotional instability were positively correlated with workaholism disposition and self-esteem was negatively correlated with workaholism disposition. Secondly, Workaholism disposition was significantly related to various outcome variables such as task performance, turnover intention, work-family conflict, psychological exhaustion, and mental health. However, workaholism disposition was not significantly related to contextual performance. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study, and the directions for future research were discussed

Type A, 성취동기, 정서적불안정, 자존감, 일중독성향, 과업수행, 맥락수행, 일-가정 갈등, 이직의도, 심리적 소진, 정신건강, Type A, Achievement motivation, Emotional instability, Self-esteem, Workaholism disposition, Task- performance, Contextual performance, Work-family conflict, Turnover intention, Psychological exhaustion, Mental health



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