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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of person-job fit on job engagement and mediating effect of meaning or competence on this relationship. In addition, moderating effect of learning and development opportunity in the relationship between person-job fit and meaning or competence were tested. Another moderating effect of job autonomy in the relationship between meaning or competence and job engagement were also tested. Data were gathered from 351 employees who were working in various organizations by questionnaires. The result indicated that there were significantly positive relationships between person-job fit and meaning or competence. Also, there were significantly positive relationships between meaning or competence and job engagement. It was found that meaning or competence partially mediated the relationship between person-job fit and job engagement, and job autonomy moderated the relationship between competence and job engagement. Based on these results, implication and limitation of this study and future research tasks were discussed.
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