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ISSN : 1229-0696
In this study, multilateral conceptualizations of underemployment were measured in terms of wages, permanence of the job, social status, and skill utilization and then the relations among the measures were examined. Data obtained by a longitudinally designed survey at intervals of 18 months with the reemployed(N=153) after job loss were used. The comprehensive measures include 1) the ratio of wage change - present wage/past wage before job loss, 2) the ratio of wage difference - present wage/average wage in the same kind of occupation, 3) the ratio of status change - social status of present job/social status of past job before job loss, 4) the ratio of education - educational requirement for the current job/individual educational attainment, 5) the occurrence of change from the permanent job to temporary job, 6) overqualification - the absence of growth opportunity, 7) overqualification - the degree of mismatch in educational attainment, skills and experiences. The first five measures are social-economic and objective measures and the last two measures are psychological and self-reported ones. The results show that the ratios of status change and educational match have significant correlations with psychological measures, but neither the ratio of wage change or the one of wage difference do not have such correlations.
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