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Core Self-Evaluation and Continuous Learning Activity: The Mediating Role of Goal Orientation and The Moderating Role of Supervisor's Support


The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of goal orientation on the relationship between core self-evaluation(CSE) and continuous learning activity of employees, and the moderating effect of supervisor's support on the relationship between goal orientation and continuous learning activity. Data were gathered from 295 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. First, the results of data analysis indicated that there were positively significant relationships between core self-evaluation and learning-goal orientation, proving-goal orientation, and negatively significant relationship between core self-evaluation and avoiding-goal orientation. Also there were positively significant relationships between learning-goal orientation, proving-goal orientation and continuous learning activity, and negative relationship between avoiding-goal orientation and continuous learning activity. Second, there were full mediating effect of learning-goal orientation, and partial mediating effect of proving-goal orientation and avoiding-goal orientation on the relationship core self-evaluation and continuous learning activity. Third, the moderating effect of supervisor's support on the relationship proving-goal orientation and continuous learning activity was found. Finally, the implication of the results and the direction for future research were discussed with the limitation.

Core Self-Evaluation, Learning Goal Orientation, Proving Goal Orientation, Avoiding Goal Orientation, Continuous Learning Activity, Supervisor's support, 핵심자기평가, 학습목표지향성, 증명목표지향성, 회피목표지향성, 지속학습활동, 상사 지원



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