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Personality and Adaptive Performance in Individual and Team Level: The Mediating Effect of General Self-efficacy and the Moderating Effect of Transformational Leadership


The purposes of this study were to examine the mediating effect of general self-efficacy in the relationship between personality(openness to experience, emotional stability) and adaptive performance in individual level, the relationship between team personality and team adaptive performance in team level, the mediating effect of general self-efficacy in the relationship between team adaptive performance and individual adaptive performance in the cross level, and the moderating effect of team leader's transformational leadership in the relationship between personality and adaptive performance at team level. Using a survey research method, the data were collected from 193 employees in 49 teams from different organizations. The results showed that general self-efficacy fully mediated the relationships between personality(openness to experience, emotional stability) and adaptive performance. And there was positively significant relationship between team openness to experience and team adaptive performance. But the relationship between team emotional stability and team adaptive performance was not significant. It was found that there was partial mediating effect of the general self-efficacy in the relationship between team adaptive performance and individual adaptive performance. Team leader's transformational leadership moderated the relationship between team openness to experience and team adaptive performance. Finally, theoretical and practical implications and limitations of the research were discussed.

경험에 대한 개방성, 정서적 안정성, 적응수행, 일반적 자기효능감, 팀 성격, 팀 적응수행, 변혁적 리더십, 교차수준 매개, openness to experience, emotional stability, adaptive performance, general self-efficacy, team personality, team adaptive performance, transformational leadership, meso-mediation



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