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The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of individual display rules on job burnout and engagement, and separated mediating roles of emotional labor strategies on the several process models which was based on Job Demand-Resource(JD-R) model in a sample of 191 American hotel service employees. Thus, the general model that combine the individual mediation effects was proposed, and its path coefficient and fit indices were inspected. The result indicates that Display positive emotions(DPE) stir up the deep acting(DA) and consequently bring about the job engagement significantly. Hiding negative emotions(HNE), however, didn't have an effct on the job burnout directly, but in the case of supposing mediation variable, it enhance the burnout through the surface acting(SA). These results reflect DPE works as resource and HNE, on the contrary, has a function as demand in the JD-R model, and DA and SA are mediating variables that works exclusively between the display rules and job attitudes. The result was confirmed through the SEM path analysis and was supported the significance of 2-indirect effects by bootstrap method. Lastly, the implication and limitations were discussed.
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