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The Effects of Driver Characteristics on Subjective Workload


We are concerned with the fact that workload can reduce a person’s ability to drive safely, thereby potentially causing serious traffic accidents. As such, we performed this study to determine which factors significantly effect a driver’s subjective workload. We used the Driving Behavior Determinants, Driving Confidence Level Questionnaire, subjective workload assessment tools(NASA-TLX, DALI(Driving Activity Load Index)). A total of 227 drivers, with an average age of 35 and average driving experience of 9 years, were asked to complete the questionnaires. Many researchers have utilized the Driving Behavior Determinants and Driving Confidence Level Questionnaire as tools for elucidating driver characteristics. Additionally, the factors examined by these tools have been demonstrated in several studies to have an influence on a person’s driving behavior such as speed. The NASA-TLX and DALI are also known as self-assessment tools for subjective workload. We conducted a correlation analysis between Driving Behavior Determinants and Driving Confidence Level and driver’s subjective workload level. The results indicated that ‘Lack of Interpersonal Adaptability’ and ‘Insensibility’ had a significant correlation with a driver’s subjective workload. We also conducted a factor analysis among 29 questionnaires which were related to a driver’s subjective workload. The results revealed that the 29 questionnaires could be divided to three factors (i.e. Situational Inadaptability, Interpersonal Inadaptability, Risk Taking Personality). In addition, Interpersonal Inadaptability and Risk Taking Personality factors also had significant effects on the DALI workload level. Of these factors, Situational Inadaptability factor had significant effects on NASA-TLX workload level. The purpose of this study was to determine a way of reducing a driver`s workload in advance and to provide people with an understanding of the theoretical driving workload. Given the results indicating specific factors affecting subjective workload, we expect that the results of this study will help drivers and researchers manage driving workload.

주관적 운전부하, NASA-TLX, DALI, 운전행동결정요인, 운전확신수준, 운전자 성격, 태도, Subjective workload, Driving Behavior Determinants, Driving Confidence Level



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