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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study was conducted to identify the issue that the impact and contents of work-family conflicts(WFC) differed from generation to generation and these conflicts affect happiness of everyday life and organizational life differently from generation to generation. WFC was divided into work to family conflict(WIF) and family to work conflict(FIW). We analysed the differences between generations of impact and contents of WIF and FIW. We also analysed whether the two types of conflicts could explain happiness of everyday life and organizational life even when demographic variables or happiness decision variables were controlled by statistic procedure. Participants of our study were 412 working women in their 20s up to 60s. In this study, we identified the following results; 1) In case of women under the age of 60, qualitative contents of WFC differed from generation to generation, but the extent of WFC did not. 2) In the same group, frequencies of WIF were higher than of FIW regardless of generation, but among those in their 60s and older, the differences were not found. 3) The extent of influences on happiness of WIF and FIW differed from generation to generation. 4) Significant variables correlated with WIF and FIW differed from each other. 5) The two types of conflicts could explain happiness of everyday life even when demographic variables or happiness decision variables were controlled by statistic procedure, but it was not the same regarding the organizational life.
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