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Suggestions for Research of Competency and Competency Modeling


There are two problems in the practice of competency modeling. First, the levels of analysis are not congruent between the competencies and the criteria. Competencies as predictors are at an individual level and criteria are at a collective level. Second, although competency model has been employed for human resource management and organizational development at a variety of levels and domains in organizations, conceptualization of competency has not been updated to support the broad practice. I proposed a concept of consequential validity that would enable us to validate competency models against criteria. As a prerequisite for the validation, the concept of competencies needs to be modified so that it can cover all the range over which competency modeling is employed. For that pupose we borrowed general systems theory, situated perspective of cognition, and role theory. As a result, competencies can be defined at different levels and situation and competency modeling can be more flexible horizontally and vertically. Finally, I presented multilevel approach under which competencies can be modeled and validated.

competency modeling, validation, multilevel approach, 역량모형, 타당화, 다층접근, competency modeling, validation, multilevel approach



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