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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the construct validity of derailment factors and their effect on college life effectiveness based on HDS(Hogan Development Survey) which is composed of 11 derailment factors of personality. Specifically, the study was focused on (1) the convergent validity of the HDS factors with the clinical scales of PAI(Personality Assessment Inventory), (2) the discriminant validity of the HDS factors with the 6 factors of HEXACO, and (3) the criterion related validity of the HDS factors with the various criteria of college life effectiveness(i.e., contextual performance, basic occupational competencies required for college students, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction). 233 college students who applied to a leadership program of A university participated in the survey. The results of correlation analysis demonstrated that the factors of excitable, skeptical, cautious, and reserved(i.e., the cluster of moving away from people) were consistently positively related with the dark sides or clinical factors of PAI, while they showed negative correlations with 6 bright sides of personality measured by the HEXACO, supporting the convergent as well as discriminant validity of the 4 HDS factors. The 4 factors were also shown to have criterion related validity with both performance and well being measures, for they had significantly negative correlations with all of the criteria of college life effectiveness. Meanwhile, the 5 factors of arrogant, mischievous, colorful, imaginative, and diligent(i.e., the cluster of moving against from people) showed the positive relationship with bright sides of personality, performance, and well-being, indicating these factors seemed functional for Korean college students. And, leisurely and dutiful factor had no particular relationship with most of PAI & HEXACO factors and performance measures. Finally, the results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that incremental variances of the HDS 4 factors on both performance and well being were significant. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.
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