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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study investigated the usefulness of classification of managers based on their job competencies. Firstly, total 18 competencies in 6 job categories were identified. Secondly, the results of correlation analysis using 304 managers revealed that 13 out of 18 competences had significant correlation with ratings obtained by assessment center technique. Thirdly, the data using 1554 managers showed that job competency scores related to their current job or preferred job categories were highest in comparison with other job categories. Fourthly, rate of concordance between job category based on their competency scores and their actual job category was 40.54%. The corresponding rate of concordance between job category based on their competency scores and preferred job category was 48.70%. The results of the current study demonstrated usefulness of placement decision based on job competencies.
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