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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study were 1) to reconstruct items of the Sternberg(1988)'s thinking style inventory and 2) to examine the relationship between thinking style, personality, contextual performance and job performance of female telemarketer. As a results of the exploratory factor analysis using 877 sales managers, 12 factors were extracted. These 12 factors were identical to the 13 factors of the Sternberg's original inventory except for the anarchic factor. Then, the thinking style inventory was reconstructed based on the results of a factor analysis and inter-factor correlation analysis (i.e., we eliminated factors which had insufficient number of items, combined similar factors and constituted 5 fairs of factors which contrasted with each other in meaning). The results of the correlation analysis between the newly developed thinking style inventory and the HEXACO model revealed that the correlation between similar constructs in these two inventories (ex., the external style of the thinking style inventory and extroversion of the HEXACO) was higher than the correlation between other dissimilar constructs. Also, contextual performance was correlated higher with the legislative, oligarchic, external and liberal style than the executive, monarchic, internal and conservative style, respectively. One of the factors in the contextual performance scale which related to one's intention to follow the organizational rules showed higher correlation with executive and conservative style than legislative and liberal style, respectively. Multiple correlation between factors in the thinking style inventory and supervisors' competency ratings and average task performance in recent 6 months were .25 and .36, respectively. Limitations of the study and directions for future study were discussed.
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