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The Study on the Relationship of Workplace Flexibility and Turnover Intention and Innovative Work Behavior: Based on Meditating Effect of Work-growth Balance, Perceived Organizational Support and Moderating Effect of Self-leadership


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of workplace flexibility on turnover intention and innovative work behavior in workplace and the mediating roles of work-growth balance and perceived organizational support. In addition, this study examined the moderating effect of self-leadership in the relationship between workplace flexibility and work-growth balance and perceived organizational support. The results from 182 participants provided evidences that (a)workplace flexibility was positively related to the work-growth balance and perceived organizational support, (b) work-growth balance and perceived organizational support were negatively related to the turnover intention and positively related to the innovative work behavior, (c) work-growth balance and perceived organizational support mediated the relationship between workplace flexibility and turnover intention and innovative work behavior. The study revealed that self-leadership moderated the relationship between workplace flexibility and work-growth balance and perceived organizational support. Based on the results, implications of these findings, limitations and future study directions were discussed.

직장 유연성(Workplace Flexibility), 일-성장 균형, 이직의도, 셀프 리더십, Workplace Flexibility, Work-growth balance, Turnover intention, Self leadership



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