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The Effect of Continuous Learning Activity on Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement: The Mediating Effect of Self-Perceived Employability


The first purpose of this study was to examine the effect of continuous learning activity on organizational commitment and work engagement. The second purpose was to testify the mediating effect of self-perceived employability in the relationship between continuous learning activity and organizational commitment/work engagement. The third purpose was to examine the moderating effect of informal networking of employees in the relationship between continuous learning activity and self-perceived employability. The fourth purpose was to examine the moderating effect of distributive justice in the relationship between self-perceived employability and organizational commitment, and the final purpose was to testify the moderating effect of growth needs in the relationship between self-perceived employability and work engagement. Data were gathered from 264 employee who were working in various organizations in Korea. As results, continuous learning activity had positive relationships with organizational commitment and work engagement. Self-perceived employability had mediation effect in the relationship between continuous learning activity and organizational commitment/work engagement. Informal networking of employees had moderating effect in the relationship continuous learning activity and self-perceived employability because the relationship was more positive when informal networking of employees was high than low. Distributive justice had moderating effect in the relationship self-perceived employability and organizational commitment because the relationship was more positive when distributive justice was high than low. Also growth needs had moderating effect in the relationship self-perceived employability and work engagement because the relationship was more positive when growth needs was high than low. The implications for research and practice, limitations, and future research tasks were discussed.

지속학습활동, 고용경쟁력, 조직몰입, 일몰입, 분배 공정성, 비공식적 네트워킹, 성장욕구, continuous learning activity, percived employability, organizational commitment, work engagement, informal networking of employees, distributive justice, growth needs



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