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Current researches of haptic perception and applying it into the fields in the psychology of organizational and consumer behavior: what would touch and contact influence on organizational and consumer behavior?


Haptic perception is considered as very important for human being since we can perceive the world and feel emotional stability through it, and also it is one of perceptual channels related to interaction with objects daily life. Traditionally, researches about haptic have been performed in the area of perception. However, recently psychologists who study in the field of social, organization, and consumer behavior deal with the haptic. The purpose of this study was that psychologists taking haptic into their study in the future would use like a tutorial, as reviewing the biological foundation, the perceptual mechanism, and the theoretical issue. Also, the present study introduced studies involving haptic in the areas of general psychology so that it would be possible to extend the concept of haptic and apply into other domains of psychology as well as perception. Finally, the propositions with haptic in the field of both organizational consumer behavior were presented for psychologists of organization and consumer psychology who would be interested in haptic.

햅틱, 지각, 조직, 소비자 심리학, haptic, perception, organization, consumer psychology



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