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Work-Family Conflict and Organizational Commitment Workers in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The moderate Variable Effects of Employee Benefits


The purposes of this study were to confirm the effect of work-family spillover toward organizational commitment of workers in small and medium sized enterprises, who offered less benefits for maintaining balanced life between workplace and household than major company, and to verify moderate effects of benefits. This study carried out 269 workers in small and medium sized enterprises located in metropolitan area. The major findings were summarized as follows: First, work-family negative spillover, work-family positive spillover, employee benefits showed effects on organizational commitment. Second, the moderating effect of benefits was shown on the relationship between work-family negative spillover and organizational commitment.

작장-가정갈등, 조직몰입, 복리후생제도, 중소기업, 근로자, work-family conflict, work-family enrichment, employee benefits, organizational commitment, small and medium sized enterprise



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