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The Effects of Work Centrality on Active Ageing among the Older Adults: Mediating Role of Generativity


This aimed to investigate the effect of work centrality during one’s entire career on the post-retirement adaptation(esp. active ageing) among older persons. Specifically, it was intended to study the mediating effect of generativity on the work centrality and active ageing and the moderating effect of future time perspective on the relationship between generativity and active ageing. By analysing the data from the retired older persons(55~70 yrs.), it was found in this study that generativity fully mediated the effect of work centrality on active ageing the following results. However, there was not significant moderating effect of future time perspective. These results did not support the role theory, but confirm the prediction based on the continuity theory which holds that older adults attempt to preserve and maintain existing internal and external structures and they prefer to accomplish this objective by using strategies tied to their past experiences.

생성감, 활동적 노년, 일중심성, 미래시간 조망, generativity, active ageing, work centrality, future time perspective



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