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The purpose of this study is to meta-analyze the relationships between the emotional labor and job-related variables such as burnout, turnover intention, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among Korean emotional workers. In total, there were 11835 employees from 43 studies that were meta-analysed in the present study using Hunter and Schmidt(2004)’s and Borenstein et al.(2009)’s procedures. It was revealed that emotional labors, depending on whether they were surface acting or deep acting, have different relationships with criterion variables. That is, the surface acting was positively related with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and turnover intention. In contrast, the deep acting was negatively related with emotional depersonalization and positively related with organizational commitment. It was revealed that professionality of service was a thoretical moderator and source of papers was a methodological moderator. Comparing with a meta-analytic study in Western literature, it was shown that deep acting strategy would bring desirable results to organizations in terms of the relationships between emotional labors and criterion variables such as burnout, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Lastly, implications and limitations of the study, and directions for future research were discussed.
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