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he Relations between Personality Factors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors mediated by Job-satisfaction: Meta-analytic regression Analysis


The purpose of this study was to conduct meta-regression analysis to investigate the relations between personality factors and organizational citizenship behaviors(OCBs) mediated by job satisfaction. In order to meta-analyse 153 studies conducted in Korea, Hunter and Schmidt’s(2004) and Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein’s(2005) meta-analytic procedures were adopted. Results showed that all the subcategories of OCBs have generalizable relations across studies with conscientiousness and agreeableness whereas individuals-oriented and organization-oriented OCBs have generalizable relations across studies with neuroticism and openness to experience. In addition, individuals-oriented and change-oriented OCBs have generalizable relations across studies with extroversion. Comparison of different rating methods revealed that self-reporting method has larger effect size than that of other-rating method due to common method effect. In meta-analytic regression analysis, all of the personality factors were mediated by both facet and overall job satisfaction. Lastly, the implications and limitations of this research were discussed.

meta-analysis, meta-analytic regression analysis, organizational citizenship behaviors, personality factors, job satisfaction, 메타분석, 회귀분석, 조직시민행동, 성격의 5요인, 직무만족



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