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The effect of supervisors’ abusive supervision on organizational cynicism: Mediated moderation effect of supervisors’ work performance level through employee’s silence


The purpose of this present study was to investigate the predictors of an interaction effect between supervisors’ abusive supervision and work performance level, especially focused on the relationship to employee’s organizational cynicism. In addition, this study examined the mediated moderation effect of supervisors’ work performance level through employee’s silence. The results from 300 participants provided evidence that (1) the interaction effect of supervisors’ abusive supervision with work performance level was positively related to organizational cynicism, (2) employee’s silence mediated the relationship between the interaction effect of supervisors’ abusive supervision with work performance level and organizational cynicism. Based on the results, implications of these findings, limitations and future study direction were discussed in general discussion.

비인격적 감독, 종업원 침묵, 조직 냉소주의, 과업수행, 매개된 조절효과, 일 잘하는 못된 상사, Abusive Supervision, Employee Silence, Organizational Cynicism, Mediated-Moderation Effect



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