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Effects of Proactive personality, Openness to experience, Future time perspective, Protean career orientation on Future career design


The Purpose of this study is to analyze psychological factors which be able to have an effect on Future career design. In our study, Future career design is consisted of Career planning, Career development, and Active-ageing. Based on personality-beliefs-behavior model, proactive personality and openness to experience are selected. as personality traits that have an effect on Future career design. Protean career orientation and Career future time perspective which are belief variables are chosen as mediation factors between two personalities and Future career design. In order to demonstrate mediation effects of beliefs factors, between Future career design and personalities, multi mediation analysis is used. Followings are results of analysis of data for 203 baby boomers having a jobs. First, protean career orientation, future time perspective, career future time perspective have full mediation effects, between two personalities and career plan. Second, protean career orientation and career future time perspective have partial mediation effects, between two personalities and career development. Third, between proactive personality and active ageing intention, future time perspective and career future time perspective have partial mediation effects. On the other hand, between openness to experience and active ageing intention, there are full mediation effects of 3 belief factors. As a result, our study demonstrate effects of personality factors and mediating factors of 3 beliefs for Future career designs. Our research also suggests that career management behavior be organized by personality-belief-behavior model. Lastly, this study suggests importance of psychological traits in career design for aged baby boomers.

Proactive personality, Openness to experience, Protean career, Time perspective, Career planning, Career development, Active ageing intention, Baby boomers, 주도성, 개방성, 프로틴 경력지향, 시간조망, 경력계획, 경력개발, 활동적 노년의향, 베이비부머



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