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The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Constructive Voice: The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership


The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of authentic leadership on constructive voice. Especially, this study focused on not only investigating the mediating role of psychological ownership on the relationship between authentic leadership and constructive voice. Data were collected from 285 korean employees who were working in various organizations through online survey. The results of this study showed that authentic leadership was positively related to psychological ownership and constructive voice. And the effect of authentic leadership on constructive voice was fully mediated by the psychological ownership. The implications, limitations of this study and directions for future research were discussed on the basis of the results.

Authentic leadership, psychological ownership, constructive voice, voice behavior, 진정성 리더십, 심리적 주인의식, 발언행동, 건설적 발언행동



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