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ISSN : 1229-0696
In the field of organizational psychology, the study of task conflict and relationship conflict is noted. However, there seems to be a paucity in research clarifying relationship among organizational members that can reduce the impact of task conflict on relationship conflict. The purpose of this study is to conceptualization and scale development of organizational companionship, which mitigates the effects of task conflict on relationship conflict. In the first study, an in-depth interview was conducted in order to explore relationship-based factors that could reduce the effects of task conflict on relationship conflict. Such factors that reduce relationship conflict in presence of task conflict were defined as organizational companionship, and was conceptualized as being composed of five sub-factors-jeong, we-ness, mutual trust, loyal behavior, and responsibility-which were named based on literature review. In the second study, a scale for organizational companionship was developed based on the in-depth interview. The result of exploratory factor analysis using data of 310 participants showed a 5 factor structure with 28 items. It was also verified that organizational companionship reduced the effects of task conflict on relationship conflict. In the third study, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted with a sample of 304 participants, and the results signified that the 5 factor structure indicated a satisfactory fit. Based on such findings, theoretical and practical implication, limitations, and suggestions for future research were discussed.
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