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The Influence of Job Crafting and Task Identity on Meaningful Work: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support


The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of task identity and perceived organizational support(POS) on the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work. Specifically, the mediating effect of task identity and the moderating effect of POS were examined in the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work. The survey was conducted on 300 adults who have been working for at least six months. Supporting the hypotheses, task identity partially mediated the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work. Also, POS moderated the relation between job crafting and task identity significantly, suggesting that job crafting was more strongly associated with task identity as POS was strengthened. In addition, the mediating effect of task identity was moderated by POS in the relation between job crafting and meaningful work, suggesting that POS moderated the mediating effect of task identity on the relationship between job crafting and meaningful work. Based on the results, implications, limitations, and future research directions of this study were discussed.

잡크래프팅, 과업정체성, 핵심직무특성, 일의 의미, 조직지원인식, 조절된 매개효과, job crafting, task identity, meaningful work, perceived organizational support, moderated mediation



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