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Influence of Equity Sensitivity on Organizational Citizenship behavior and Knowledge Sharing: Moderation effect of Performance-based organizational culture and LMX Differentiation


Current study investigated the moderation effects of the performance-based organizational culture and the LMX differentiation on the associations of equity sensitivity to OCB and knowledge sharing. The result showed that when the gainsharing, compared to individual performance, was more emphasized and when the LMX differentiation was low, the benevolents showed more OCB and knowledge sharing, while there was no difference for entitiles, regardless of performance-based organizational culture and LMX differentiation. Besides, the moderation effect of the LMX differentiation was qualitied by the LMX. Based on the results, the implication and future research were discussed.

Equity Sensitivity, Performance-based Organizational Culture, LMX Differentiation, OCB, Knowledge sharing, 형평성민감도, 성과주의 조직문화, LMX 차별화, 조직시민행동, 지식공유



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