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A Meta-Analytic Study on the Relationships of Person-Supervisor Fit with Job Attitudes and Behaviors


This study conducted meta-analyses of 26 Korean studies in order to examine the relationships of person-supervisor (P-S) fit with job attitudes and behaviors. Job attitudes included job satisfaction (k = 11), affective organizational commitment (k = 10), and turnover intention (k = 8). Work behaviors included organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs, k = 11). The results showed strong positive relationships of P-S fit with job satisfaction, affective commitment, and OCBs. Also, P-S fit had a moderate negative relationship with turnover intention. Survey methods (online versus paper), publication sources, and sub-dimensions of outcome measurements were hypothesized as moderators with specific directions. Types of organization (private versus public) and types of industry (service versus non-service) were explored as moderators. The results indicated that the effect sizes were larger in online surveys (in case of OCBs) and journal publications than in paper surveys and dissertations, respectively. Regarding measurement dimensions, P-S fit showed stronger relationships with OCB-I than with OCB-O. We found that types of organization and types of industry could also function as moderators. This study contributes to the literature on P-S fit, which has been paid less attention to than other dimensions of person-environment fit, by demonstrating its importance. Limitations of the current study, future research directions, and implications of the results were further discussed.

개인-상사 부합, 직무만족, 정서적 몰입, 이직의도, 조직시민행동, 메타분석, person-supervisor fit, job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, turnover intention, organizational citizenship behavior, meta-analysis



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