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The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of challenge and hindrance job demands on two-dimensional view of work-related subjective well-being and the role of employee’s dominant promotion-focus and LMX based on Russell's circumplex model(1980). A sample of 361 employees were participated voluntarily in this study and data were analyzed. The results and implications of this study are as follows. First, challenge stressor had a positive effect on the positive factors of work-related subjective well-being, while hindrance stressor had a negative effect. The effect of challenge stressor on work engagement was relatively large than the effect on job satisfaction. Second, both challenge and hindrance stressor had a positive effect on the negative factors of work-related subjective well-being. In comparison of the effect size considering activation level, the effect of challenge stressor on workaholic and hindrance stressor on burnout was relatively large compare to each other. Third, employee’s dominant promotion-focus showed the role of enhancing effect of challenge demands on the positive factors of work-related subjective well-being. The LMX has been shown to mitigate the effects of hindrance stressor on workaholic. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of these findings, along with this study limitations and future research directions were discussed.
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