The goal of this study is to examine what sort of books people read repeatedly, what are the different preferences between men and women, how much the repeatedly-read books are related to the most memorable books and how the repeatedly-read books are connected to reading habits. A questionnaire was provided to college students and their repeated reading experiences were searched. The results of the statistical analysis are summarized: 1) Most college students have experienced repeated reading more than twice. 2) The number of college students who have experienced repeated reading twice is the highest and next, those who have read repeatedly 3 times. Also, the number of times of repeated reading tends to be similar between male and female students. 3) The books which many students read repeatedly more than twice are : a) Romance of 3 Kingdoms b) Little Prince c) Da Vinci Code d) Alchemist e) Chinese nine spine stickle back f) Meu Pe de Larania Lima g) Harry Potter. 4) About half of the students have read the most memorable books many times. 5) The importance of books was evaluated on the basis of the number of repeated readers and the number of readings. The order of the important books is Three Romans of 3 kingdoms, Little Prince, Da Vinci Code, Meu Pe de Larania Lima, Tuesdays with Morrie, Harry Potter, and The Myth of Greece and Rome. 6) The preferred books by male college students are mostly the stories of fighters while female likes books that contain deep emotion and morality. More than half of the males' repeated reading was Romance of 3 Kingdoms while the preferred books of females are distributed widely.
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