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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


Open API를 이용한 서지레코드와 목록 확장에 관한 연구

A Study on the Bibliographic Records and the Expansion of Library Catalog Using Open API

한국문헌정보학회지 / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2009, v.43 no.2, pp.299-328
구중억 (한국기초과학지원연구원)
이응봉 (충남대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


In this study, the present condition of 8 Open APIs for books, such as Naver, Daum, Aladdin, Amazon, Google, KERIS, LibraryThing, and OCLC, were compared and analyzed. In addition, the bibliographic records of 167 samples of visible ‘light & paraphotic’ (DDC 535) classifications were selected from the bibliographic records of the library of C university, and the effectiveness of the Open APIs were compared and analyzed. On the basis of the results of this analysis, 12 Open API application models, which were judged to be useful in expanding the function of the access point of the bibliographic records and enhancing the library catalog using Open API, were experimentally implemented. Various methods of augmenting access points of biblio- graphic records and expanded library catalogue were investigated using the unique identifier described in the KORMARC fields of 001, 010, 012, 020, 035, 246, 505, 520, 850, 856 for the integrated format for bibliographic data, and Open API. Finally, using Open API for the brief display and detailed display screen as a result of search of the OPAC of the sample bibliographic records, the devices for the expanding library catalog were implemented as examples.

Bibliographic Records, Library Catalog, Open API, KORMARC, Bibliographic Records, Library Catalog, Open API, KORMARC, 서지레코드, 목록



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