This study explored the services of libraries for babies and toddlers and the possibilities of service expansion through Bookstart as a cooperation system for libraries. This study presented the problems of the services of libraries for toddlers by implementing the questionnaire method and the in-depth interviews. In addition, this study showed the impact of carrying-out this program and why libraries should manage the Bookstart program. Results indicated that: (1) even though the membership enrollment standard of children's libraries is usually from babies and toddlers up to the elementary school students, that of a few libraries is still over elementary school students. This will work on restraining the services of libraries for users, especially toddlers, only 54.8% of libraries services are for the toddlers; (2) by analyzing the perception of librarians, we get to know that librarians think that the age of the first use of a library is more appropriate for kindergarten-agers than toddlers; (3) librarians think positively about the Bookstart and that libraries are more suitable for Bookstart than any other institutions; (4) after the introduction of Bookstart to libraries, many changes happened in respect of the function of libraries and the types of users. For examples, there was an expansion of users to babies and toddlers and their parents, an increase in users, focusing on early-childhood reading education and the strengthening of the role of librarians as program planners in particular. This study suggests that the introduction of Bookstart would bring changes to the concept of traditional libraries and the inflexible attitudes of librarians.
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