The study proposed an electronic journal retrieval model to be used to improve the retrieval efficiency of e-journals. To do this, firstly, we reviewed the literature on users' information behavior and on ERM (Electronic Resource Management) systems. Secondly, we conducted an e-mail survey of 96 participants (professors and graduate students) to find out about their information behavior on how to access, use and evaluate electronic resources as well as scientific information. Thirdly, we administered case studies on two ERMSs, Ex Libris' Verde and Innovative's Millennium. The proposed model will be operated within ERM systems and it enables to the supply of both system- and user-based services by combining taxonomy-based ERM systems with tag folksonomy. The model is unique in that it includes not only the automatic tagging functions that can be performed using log files but also the tag management functions including grouping similar or related tags.
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