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An Analysis of Multimedia Search Services Provided by Major Korean Search Portals

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2010, v.44 no.4, pp.395-412


This study aims to perform an evaluation of multimedia search services provided by major Korean search portals: Naver, Nate, Daum, Yahoo-Korea, Paran, and Google-Korea. These multimedia search services are evaluated in terms of the metadata of search results, search functionalities, searching methods, other functionalities, and display options. Every search portal offers image and video searching, whereas only Naver, Nate, and Daum offer music searching. Advanced searching methods and functions are mostly developed and supported in image and video searching rath than music searching. Naver, Nate, and Daum support various searching functions which search portals abroad have not developed. Google-Korea supports advanced searching functions. Search portals provide a limited number of metadata in search results. This study could contribute to the development and improvement of portal's multimedia search services.

Search Portals, Multimedia Searching, Metadata, Search Functionalities, Search Portals, Multimedia Searching, Metadata, Search Functionalities, 검색 포털, 멀티미디어 검색, 메타데이터, 검색 기능



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science