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A Study on the Correlation between the Index Values and Qualitative․Quantitative Evaluation Elements and the Distinction Ability of the Journals' Registration Condition of the KCI-based Composite Index in Evaluating Korean Journals

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2012, v.46 no.2, pp.245-260


This study aims to analyze the change in the correlation between the index values and qualitative․quantitative evaluation elements by applying 'the decile of total number of articles' instead of the average annual number of articles in Kor-Factor2, and to evaluate the distinction ability between registered journals and register nominee journals of the KCI. The correlation between the index values and qualitative․quantitative evaluation elements was analyzed by calculating the correlation coefficient between the index values and the evaluation elements, and then the correlation was compared with that of Kor-Factor2. To evaluate the distinction ability, we carried out independent samples t-test on the mean difference between index values of register nominee journal group and registered journal group and compared the mean difference with that of Kor-Factor2, IF and journal h-index. As a result, we found that the modified index applying the decile of total number of articles was effective in improving the balance among the correlation between the index values and qualitative․quantitative evaluation elements compared to Kor-Factor2, and the new index appeared to be superior to other indexes on distinction ability of the journal's registration condition in the KCI.

한국 학술지, 한국학술지인용색인, Kor-Factor, 복합지표, 평가요소, 학술지 생산성, 등재 상태, 구별 능력, 십분위수, Korean Journal, KCI, Kor-Factor, Composite Index, Evaluation Element, Journal’s Productivity, Registration Condition, Distinction Ability, Decile



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science