The purposes of this study are to design and apply an experienced-based reading program using picture books for the struggling readers to improve their reading ability; and to analyze and verify how this program influences their self-esteem. The final objects of this study are 53 struggling readers who are 1-4th graders in 8 elementary schools. For this, the specific goals are set up as follows: First, an experience-based reading program using ADDIE teaching design model and Kolb’s experience learning cycle are planned and developed to improve reading abilities and self-esteem of the struggling readers. Second, it also aimed to clarify how the experience-based reading program using picture books influence the struggling readers’ self-esteem in affective ones. As a result, this experience-based reading program using picture books is effective on improving the struggling readers' self-esteem, generally. Although the degree of improvement is different from each of the subordinate factors, the overall scores of self-esteem are raised. This study suggests that an experience-based reading program using picture books is appropriate for improving the affective characteristics of the struggling readers. And it is also needed to produce a research manual to get the same test condition that prescribes the methods of pre-test and post-test.
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