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A Basic Research on the Librarian Curriculum for the Disabled Users: A Survey of Public Library Disability Services in Seoul and Library and Information Science Disability Services Curriculum

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2012, v.46 no.3, pp.35-55


This study aims to serve as the basis for the librarian training curriculum model for the disability services. To achieve this, a theoretical study was carried out through literature and investigated and analyzed on the disability services of Public Libraries in Seoul and on the status of Library and Information Science curriculum for the disability services in Korea. The research results are summarized as follows: First, only one university and one graduate school in Korea offers a curriculum for training librarians for the disability services. Second, since 2010 a continuing education program for librarians in charge of the disability service has been offered every year by the National Library of Korea, Librarians who completed this course have been surveyed for their opinions and the results have been reflected in the following course. Third, currently among the disabled users in public library the users with mental retardation, emotional and behavioral disorders, and autism are more than the visually impaired users. Most of the disability service has been a lending for general materials. According to telephone interviews, librarians who actively carry out the disability service need to understand the disability and, more information about operations and planning of cultural program for the disabled users.

Public Library Services, Disability, The Disabled Curriculum, The Disabled Services, The Disabled Services Current State, Public Library Services, Disability, The Disabled Curriculum, The Disabled Services, The Disabled Services Current State, 장애인서비스, 장애인서비스 교과과정, 장애인서비스 교육, 장애인서비스 계속교육, 장애인서비스 현황



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science