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A Study on the Characteristics and Considerations of Bibliographic Description of ISBD Consolidated edition 2011

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2012, v.46 no.4, pp.169-188


This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of the bibliographic description of ISBD Consolidated edition published in 2011 and to grasp the considerations in applying the rules of ISBD consolidated edition to KCR4. For achieving this, the four aspects were analyzed such as the description area and data elements, the resource types, the punctuation, and the order of the elements of ISBD Consolidated edition(2011). The characteristics of ISBD Consolidated edition are as follows. First, the content form and the media type area are added in new 0 area and elements are designated by mandatory to confirm to FRBR. Second, content form, content qualification and media type replaced GMD in title and statement of responsibility area. Third, the prescribed punctuations were retained even when this results in double punctuation, and individual square brackets were preferred than entire square brackets when using square brackets to all elements in same area. Fourth, the order of elements in description was set out by patterns of data elements in areas, therefore could reduce the confusion of the order of elements. ISBD Consolidated edition as an international standard would make various rules to maintain the uniformity, but also respects the bibliographic practices of individual countries. Therefore, each country must revise its own rule to conform the ISBD Consolidated edition as well as reflect its unique situation. In Korea, since KCR4 was developed based on the previous edition of ISBD, it should be revised to confirm to the ISBD Consolidated edition. Therefore, this study is expected to contribute to the revision of KCR4.

ISBD consolidated edition, ISBD, RDA, FRBR, content form, content qualification, media type, GMD, General Material Designation, ISBD consolidated edition, ISBD, RDA, FRBR, content form, content qualification, media type, GMD, General Material Designation, ISBD 통합판, 국제표준서지기술, 자원의 기술과 접근, 서지레코드의 기능요건, 내용형식, 내용한정어, 매체유형, 자료유형, 자원유형



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science