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A Study on the Effect of Smart Device and SNS on Social Capital

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2013, v.47 no.2, pp.161-180


This research analyzed how smart devices and Social Network Service (SNS) change the construction of social capital. The results show that smart devices provide the foundation of expending ‘bridging social capital’ by offering various communication tools. SNS reinforces ‘bonding social capital’ and extends ‘bridging social capital’ by expanding social relationships from off-line to online and supporting the construction of online communities. In contrast, the use of SNS through smart devices is not related to the generation of social capital. However, it builds a multi-aspect social capital by making people participate in various social activities.

사회자본, 결속적 사회자본, 교량적 사회자본, 스마트기기, 소셜 네트워크 서비스, Social Capital, Bonding Social Capital, Bridging Social Capital, Smart Device, Social Network Service



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science