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A Study on Feature Analysis of Archival Metadata Standards in the Records Lifecycle

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.3, pp.71-111


Metadata schemas are well recognized as one of the important technological components for archiving and preservation of digital resources. However, a single standard is not enough to cover the whole lifecycle for archiving and preserving digital resources. This means that we need to appropriately select metadata standards and combine them to develop metadata schemas to cover the whole lifecycle of resources (or records). Creating a unified framework to understand the features of metadata standards is necessary in order to improve metadata interoperability that covers the whole resource lifecycle. In this study, the author approached this issue from the task-centric view of metadata, proposing a Task model as a framework and analyzing the feature of archival metadata standards. The proposed model provides a new scheme to create metadata element mappings and to make metadata interoperable. From this study, the author found out that no single metadata standard can cover the whole lifecycle and also that an in-depth analysis of mappings between metadata standards in accordance with the lifecycle stages is required. The author also discovered that most metadata standards are primarily resource-centric and the different tasks in the resource lifecycle are not reflected in the design of metadata standard data models.

Archival Metadata Standard, Metadata Interoperability, Preservation, Records Lifecycle, Task Model



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science