In recent years, countries such as USA, United Kingdom and Australia have begun to implement national policies in order to systematically manage and share research data produced through publicly funded research. However, Korea as of yet does not have a coordinated research data policy. The lack of infrastructure that supports the sharing and preserving research data results in the poor management and loss of valuable data produced from significant national R&D investments. The need for research data collection, management and sharing goes beyond the outcome assessment of national research: it facilitates the diffusion of research impact and economic development. There is a growing recognition that data sharing is an essential element of research ethics. This research investigates the relevant research data policies and methods of governance at the national level using a case study analysis. United Kingdom was selected as a case study target as it shows a wide variety of policy examples and instruments. In particular, this research focuses on the UK’s national legal framework for research data sharing, analyzes the RCUK (Research Councils UK)’s data policies, activities at the seven research councils under RCUK as well as several supporting institutions. Based on the analyses, this research offers a national roadmap for better managing and sharing of research data in Korea.
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