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A Study on the Recognition of Users and Librarians of Obstructive Factors in Online Reference Services

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2016, v.50 no.1, pp.133-159


The purpose of this study is to analyze related studies and domestic/international online reference cases, extract obstructive factors present in online reference services, and reveal whether or not there are differences in perception between the university librarian and the users. The results with respect to the failure of the resources revealed that while the user considers the quantitative/qualitative shortage of content as the greatest obstacle in the online reference service, librarians see the lack of human resources (Specialist Librarian/trained staff) in this light. Users think this is the least of the problems. In addition, other obstacles that are the most highly evaluated by librarians are, in order, the limitation of service because of copyright issues, the difficulty of information retrieval and complexity of methods of use, and a general lack of information in the reference services menu and missing information in the main menu. For the users the other most important obstacles were similar with the limitation of service because of copyright issues being highest, followed by the difficulty of access because of the confusion over service names, and the general lack of information in the reference services menu and missing information in the main menu.

온라인참고서비스, 장애요인, 사서 인식, 이용자 인식, Online Reference Service, Obstructive Factor, Librarian Recognition, User Recognition



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science