This study analyzes periodic phenomena on publication and characteristics of Buddhist scriptures engraved on woodblock in temples located in Hwanghae Province during the Joseon Dynasty period in bibliographic approach. There are total 85 Buddhist scriptures published in Hwanghae Province, 5 scriptures among them including Yonggamsugyeong appear to be engraved on woodblock only in temples in Hwanghae Province. They, published in 64 printings during the early days of the Joseon Dynasty, occupy 75% of total Buddhist scriptures, and are analyzed to be intensively published with the support of royal family members such as Queen Munjeong in the reign of King Myeongjong. However, as the publication displayed a sharply declining tendency in the late Joseon period after the Japanese invasion, it is understood to be identical with historical fact that the people´s livelihood in Hwanghae Province closed to ruin through invasions from Japan and Manchuria. In addition, the analysis on characteristics of these Buddhist scriptures by subject indicates that over 80% of them are generally sacred books and dogmas. In fact, woodblock engraving works in temples emphasize on the duty of an engraver, and many engravers are investigated that they engraved only 2 to 3 Buddhist scriptures in temples located in Hwanghae Province. Doseong and Suyeon can be regarded as remarkable itinerant monks as they were appeared to engrave Buddhist scriptures in not only Hwanghae Province and also other regions by moving from one place to another. This study is expected to be meaningful as a paper that can be used on future studies to compare Buddhist scriptures engraved on woodblock in other regions in North Korea.
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