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A Study on User Service and Enhancement Strategy for Chungnam Representative Library

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2016, v.50 no.4, pp.283-310


The present study aims to develop measures to enhance user service at Chungnam Representative Library by establishing Chungnam Representative Library Operation Master Plan. To this end, I conducted a literature review, analysis of services of other representative libraries, and a survey. The study results suggested six measures for user service enhancement. The first measure is space-specific programs, such as children’s materials room, general materials room, electronic materials room, auditorium, multipurpose room, outdoor stage, exhibition room, and book café. The second measure is the services specific user types, such as children, adolescents, adults, the disabled, and multicultural families. The third measure is information service specific for information type, such as print material service and digital material service. The fourth measure is the service for the Information-Poor including the expansion of mobile library service, the service for information users in special environment, and the development of mobile library rules. Fifth measure is information service for Chungcheongnam-do residents, such as Baekje Studies specialized service that incorporates local characteristics, specialized information service for Chungcheong Studies and local materials, and information service for administrative and policy materials. The last measure is the measure to secure initial users and early stage service enhancement.

Representative Library, Chungnam Representative Library, Information Service, User Study, 대표도서관, 충남대표도서관, 정보서비스, 이용자 연구



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science